Wednesday, September 5, 2007

WFMW~ Brand Edition

I'm a very good bargin hunter, but I've found a couple of things that I really don't mind paying the extra price for.

One of my little pleasures is buying good fabric softener...I love me some extra good smelling clothes :) What I can't figure out though, is how even when I buy the exact same detergent and fabric softener, how come my clothes never smell as good as my moms (or my MIL)?

Also, I have to buy good conditioner for my hair, so usually it's Pantene. Shampoo can be anything, but the conditioner is a no budge for me!

Another thing is my travel coffee mug made by OXO. I absolutely love it! It was worth the $10 that I paid for it! I have dropped it, kicked it, shut it in a car door, carried it upside down, and shook it to mix my cream and sugar and it is truly LEAK-PROOF!! All new moms I know are going to get one of these puppies in with their gift. Have I told you how much I love it!!

So, these are the things that I absolutely love and works for me!! for more ideas, go visit Shannon :)

1 comment:

Kerri said...

I'm also still trying to solve the problem of how to get my clothes smelling as good as MIL's!