Thank you dear sir for helping me to realize that it would be foolish for me to come up with some kind of commitment for 2008. I know that it's amazing that someone just may want to look at devotional material prior to purchasing it and I do apologize if you thought that I may keep you in the store for 1 more minute.
Here's a helpful solution to this problem in the future. Don't wait until the last moment to lock the door! Brilliant idea I know, you may thank me later.
Also, It was very thoughtful when you said, "hurry up, we'd like to leave" when I started to look at the devotional that I had in my hand. Maybe it would have the more productive solution could have included you deciding to run a register with your co-worker to help move the line a little quicker. I promise that I would have made it to the register before even half of the line was dealt with.
I would like to thank you for singling me out when I asked you for help instead of aimlessly wandering the store trying to find Beth Moore. I do hope that the 3 other shoppers around me took your plea and concluded their shopping trip a little more
It is because of your stellar customer service skills that I suceeded in breaking my New Years goal of attaining a great Bible Study and beginning it on Jan. 1st. Also, I now would rather have the pain of a 100 hot pokers in my eyes than visit you or your store again.