Sunday, August 24, 2008


This has been a whirl wind my head and activities.

Friday I went to the dr, and have massive inner ear infections... hence the spinning. Never will I laugh at someone with an inner ear infection again! My world has been spinning whenever I turn my head. Vertigo on the top of a ferris wheel is no fun I tell ya!! Especially when they stopped.

Last night, this commercial was on during prime time. Tee Totally amazing. I now believe that the next time I need a car battery I will have to find me an Interstate Battery.

I sat out in my front yard and listened to Keith Anderson live. in concert. Then Hubby drove me down the street so I could go get Fried Cheese on a Stick, and I got to lay eyes on him! How cool is it that he did a free concert in our little biddy subburb festival.

Fried cheese on a stick is absolutely dee-lich-ous! Yum Yumms.