Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Smells like Teen Spirit

oh, who am I kidding. Pride really does come before the fall. Here I've been so proud of Mikey and his potty training (and I still am), and have bragged about how I really haven't had to clean up too many messes (none of the solid variety), until tonight.

It started when I ran to Kroger and Mikey decided to see how much toilet paper could be put in the potty. Shawn knew something was amiss when all became too quiet, and took care of the situation before I got home.

Then, I was cooking supper and Mikey announced that he had to go. right. now. So, I told him to 'go'... yeah, he ran in, didn't turn on the light, flopped down on the potty and began to pooooo. ALL OVER THE TOILET SEAT! I really did have to stiffle a laugh. Mikey HATES to be dirty (remember this is the child who won't eat ketchup b/c it gets his hands dirty), so this accident was especially upsetting to him. So, maybe for a while we'll just have to make sure not to turn off the lights :)

1 comment:

Qtpies7 said...

Haha! I've sat down on the closed lid and peed before, lol.
I've cleaned up more than my share of poop messes, so I can laugh at others.

Drew did enlist with the Air Force today!