Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Is it Friday yet?

Drum roll please......

I got my job!!!! I received the call today, and start in 2 weeks! Not only is it better pay, scrubs are paid for (well mostly), and something that I can take pride in it's in a Christian office!! *insert happy dance here* I'll be helping expand the practice southward (we provide eye care for those in nursing homes and long term care facilities) . I am so stinkin' excited!!!! Now, I have the motivation to dust off the old self-confidence that's been sitting on the shelf since December.

In other news.... Mikey fell and hit his head pretty badly yesterday (think black goose egg right between the eyes, ouchies). After a frantic call to his pediatricians after hour service, I felt comfy enough not to run to the ER.... but spent the night waking him every 3 hours. Luckily he's acting fine :) He had a great day playing outside, and is now cat napping...

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Congrats on the job!! That is so exciting! Poor Mikey...Jake has hit his head a couple times that really scared me. Boys will be boys! I guess we should get used to all the bumps and bruises!