Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bye Bye Hair Elastics...

You know it's time to change something when you realize that you're wearing a ponytail or some variation

Today, I decided to do something about it. I had intentions on having my hair straightened (almost 2 years ago I committed the ultimate hair tragedy... I got a perm and it was clinging on stubbornly), but the nice lady suggested to forget that and just cut my hair to avoid chemical radiation to my mostly healthy hair and to avoid the possibility that it could just revolt and fall out. So i took the plunge...gals, I cut my hair.

Atleast 6 inches. Maybe more. I went from hair to the middle of my back to right at my shoulders. I almost cried when I realized that it was shorter than what we had originally discussed. But, man, I feel like a new woman. sexier. more confident. Plus the cut is just too cute, and what I have left of my hair is healthy. No frizzies, poofies,or anything.

Now as long as the urge to keep cutting it shorter and shorter doesn't emerge. My friend Wendy and I proved this in college... you cut your hair short and suddenly it is not short enough, so you cut more, and then the cycle keeps repeating. It's true.

Mind you, I haven't cut cut my hair since Demon and I broke up...7 1/2 years ago. (Just a little background... Demon was the Russian I dated who turned out to be psycho possesive, and wouldn't let me do anything to my hair w/o his approval)When I broke off the engagement I went one day after classes and cut my hair to my chin as a rebellion, 'just because I can thing.'

So to say today hasn't been an emotional day would be a lie. When I saw my hubby and he proclaimed that he loves it though, made it very worthwhile!

Now, if I can only make it look this good on my own ;)


Jessica said...

I too need to get a new "do." I'm glad you got your's done and you like it!

Qtpies7 said...

Wheres the pic?
I'm really thinking of cutting mine short, too.
A couple of weeks ago two people asked what I had done to my hair and how good I looked and one barely recognized me. What had I done differently? I couldn't find a rubber band so I hadn't put my hair in a pony tail.
'nuff said.