Saturday, February 10, 2007

Snow Time!

After half-way playing in the snow all week (you know the kind~ Where it takes 20 minutes to walk all of maybe 10 feet) we bundled up today! Something happened to Mikey's tobaggen, so we had to improvise by using daddy's spare one.... I'm sure the neighbors all received a good chuckle. Oh how much fun it was!

Where did this little boy go?!? I found this photo earlier.... my little man is growing up SO quickly. Here, he was about a year old... wowzers!! I need to get new batteries in my camera to upload a new one!

Friday, February 9, 2007


Wow!! A grown up bloggy town... one that I've enjoyed watching from a distance! I've laughed at some blogs that I've read, cried at others, and still some I just got a sense of not being alone in this wonderful place called "Grown up land"!