Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Should Be Sleepin'

Hubs is gone this week, and I'm finding that while I'm normaly the 1st to fall asleep most all of the time, I'm having a hard time falling asleep now. I know I shouldn't be complaining, it's only a week, and others are currently or will be seperated from their spouses for longer periods of times for various reasons. However it's after midnight, and my brain turned to mush about an hour ago. Yet 2 very special children are wrapped around my mind and heart tonight, and I wanted to share.

My heart is heavy tonight for a young man and his family. They've gone through more than anybody should have to, yet they're still praising Him in the storm. Please keep the Nischan family in your prayers as they walk down yet another unplanned road, not knowing the course, yet following Him who has laid it before them. Trust me, I don't know of anyone who's met this family who hasn't been encouraged and blessed.

Also, keep Ash and her family in your prayers as well! Ash is accomplishing great things, and is proof positive that He has everything under control! What a spunky little girl, and world watch out 'cuz she's going to be a firecracker and do BIG things in her life because of the work He has done to her!

God's doing something in my heart through these 2 families, is it because of my own grappling with my faith as we deal with cancer in our family, and as we deal with infertility? I don't know, I'm scared to find out, but I do know that He is in control.

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