Sunday, June 8, 2008

Summer Time Fun

This weekend has been pretty much perfect, an absolute lovely way to spend a summer weekend! Hopefully there will be tons more like it this summer. No real plans, but going w/ the flow!

Friday Hubs, Mikey, and I went to eat Chinese and then decided to go to the drive in movies. Can I just say, I love the drive in? There was no makin' out in the backseat(although that may have been fun!!), but sitting outback of the van we joined many others enjoying good quality family time enjoying Kung Fu Panda. Mikey settled down in the back of the van and fell asleep, so we decided to stay for the 2nd movie (Indiana Jones). I watched bits and pieces, but happily slept lying w/ my head on hubs lap (we had taken the back seat out of the van, so we had nice comfy seats).

Saturday, the 3 of us ventured to the kick off of our Library's summer reading program. At times I wanted to chew my right arm off, but watching Mikey giggle at the magician/ventriloquest/juggler guy and then falling in absolute love with all those books!and movies! was enough to make this momma heart glad to be there sweating my butt off. Then good food with good friends in the evening :)

Today was a great Sunday w/ a much needed nap, some cleaning, then swimming in the in laws pool with our friends and a cook out.

How much better could it get? Honestly? I loved every minute of it!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Sounds like a great weekend!