Friday, June 13, 2008


Yesterday the doctor dropped me off at my van, and as soon as I opened the door a nasty smell came floating through the air. It was just a little obnoxious, so I continued on to work. No big deal right? 3 hours later when I went to leave, an odor so hideous that it made my nose hairs curl hit me. I couldn't for the life of me figure out where it was coming from. So here I am going down the interstate taking off my shoes checking to make sure that I hadn't stepped in barf or crap or anything else. Then I started to wonder if the dog did something on our trip to KY a couple of weeks ago? Needless to say, when I got home I tore my van to shreds cleaning. I could come up with absolutly NOTHING. I finished and went to take the trash can out of the console when I saw it... Mikey apparently threw his leftover milk in the trash can,open lid and all,the last time he got W*ndy's....atleast a few a weekS ago!!! OH MY WORD.

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