Friday, July 20, 2007

Stay Tuned!

A couple of weeks ago I decided that I needed a hobby, and set off on a mission to figure out what I could do that I could do well and didn't have to do w/ my role as wife or mommy. Let's just say that I'm fullfilling something that I've wanted/wished that I could do for a while ;) and I'm actually a little bit good at it! So stay tuned, because Monday I'm going to unveil my new hobby by participating in the 'Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway'! So, stop by Monday after 8am to find out what all of the excitement is about! Plus, don't forget to click on the super cute button on my sidebar to explore all of the fun!


Jessica said...

I am so excited to find out what you hobby is...and to participate in the Dog Days of Summer!!

Qtpies7 said...

I wish I could think of something for the give-aways! But I'll be blogging it and entering it all over the place!