Friday, May 11, 2007


This morning hubs and I woke up late. Yeah. I bathroom + 2 people needing to get ready= trouble. Luckily, I was scheduled to be in the office today, so I called my boss who graciously agreed to let me come in a little later so that ya know I could actually shower. Hubs left, I finished getting myself and Mikey ready, then proceeded to take Mikey next door to my SIL's house. Today was one of those morning when Mikey didn't want me to leave, so it took some extra time to get out of there... I proceded to drive on to work, no problems, traffic was actually halfway sane! I realized when I pulled in that I had forgotten my purse. No problem, I didn't really need anything in it, plus I was only going to work 1/2 day. Half way across the parking lot I realized something was amiss. I forgot to put on shoes people!! Yeah, I had on flip flops (I won't wear my work shoes in the grass)... not generally accepted in the medical field. HOw in the world do you forget to put on shoes?!?!?

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Oh my lands...I laughed so hard! At least you had on some kind of shoe and weren't barefoot. I hate those rushed mornings. Happy Mother's Day! Have a great weekend!