Saturday, February 23, 2008

Such A Random Thought....

Have you watched the J*rry S*pringer show lately? I have, not by my choice though. The dr and I stopped to see a patient the other day, and the nurses had turned this spectacle on for the patient to 'watch'. It was hard to not smile and remember how freshman year of college, my roomie and I (and alot of the rest of the girls in the South West Quad) would often turn this show on, turn on mute, and watch Steve try to pull swinging maniacs off of each other. Steller entertainment. But oh how the show takes the cake now.... I started to notice a guy (why he was there, I'm not sure, but the only thing I can think of was that he was to move chairs around)who had nothing below his torso. All that I could think of is, how funny it would be to see someone either pick him up and throw him like they do chairs, or to kick him like a football. (Don't worry the Dr assured me that I was going to hell for that one!!)So, next time it's on, take a peek and tell me what thoughts run through your head when you see him!!


Jessica said...

I haven't had the patience for Jerry for a long time. I am a fan of Maury...the paternity tests just kill me! :)

Qtpies7 said...

I don't watch that stuff any more. However I did have a friend whose sister was on the J. Spring** show and she was named most crazy guest or something. She was a freak. LOL.
So, maybe I am kinda famous by association? I did meet her sister, lol.