Saturday, May 26, 2007

O Happy Day

Hubby got the call today... he got his job!! Major high going on in our house! You see, we haven't been able to sit down and eat as a family in, oh, about 6 months (except on a few rare occasions where we met him for lunch and then headed to Subway on his lunch break). Also, he'll work 2 Saturday's in a roll (8a-Noon) and then he'll be off for 4 PLUS Sundays off PLUS a$3 pay increase. The in-laws aren't too happy because he just quit his old job, w/ my blessing I may add. He's been walked all over, screwed, and then hung out to dry too often w/ his old job... he was seriously unhappy (which spilled over into every area of his life), and combined w/ the fact that we never saw each other, yeah it was pretty lousy.

Tonight my SIL and I went to Wal-Mart, and while we were going through check out, I saw someone had laid down the new clinical-strenght deoderant. I realized that I forgot to get new deo (Dove just does not cut it in the summer), so I decided that I would try it out. It rang up and I literally had to pick my jaw up off of the floor....$7.00. Needless to say, I had the cashier remove it from my stash of stuff... and I still need to pick up deo when I head to Target tomarrow to get my Frebreeze Scent Stories thingamajigger for $12!

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